TOP 5 countries in Asia with the best roads


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  • Best roads in Asia

The quality of the road transport infrastructure influences the standard of living in a particular country to a large extent. About which Asian countries have the best highways - further in the review.

Best roads in Asia

1. Singapore

This state boasts one of the most sophisticated and modern transport networks in the world. An extensive road system enmeshes the entire country, occupying about 2% of the small territory of the country.

Roads receive good lighting, competent markings and the highest quality pavement. High-speed autobahns are equipped with information boards with data on the percentage of road congestion and the number of free spaces in the nearest parking lots.

The construction and maintenance of the road network is regulated by the Land Transport Authority, which has made it the smartest and smartest in the world. Highways with a perfectly flat and durable surface have 2-5 lanes in each direction and allow you to quickly get from one area to another.

Together with the always perfect road markings, an abundance of diverse junctions, bridges and tunnels, as well as a computer system capable of independently analyzing traffic density and reconfiguring traffic lights, Singapore is one of the most attractive countries for motorists.

2. China

Ever since the Chinese realized in the 1980s that they would not be able to develop their country without a normal road infrastructure, the first serious plan for the construction of state-owned expressways with appropriate quality standards has emerged.

The first expressway appeared in 1988, and by now the pace of construction has exceeded the achievements of Europe and the United States over the past half century.

From 2005-2010, annual investment in road development stood at $ 17-18 billion, and has dropped to $ 12 billion in recent years. Contractor-funded construction progress is closely monitored by federal or local authorities. The company receives a full payment only after the entire complex of works has been completed with a guarantee of at least 25 years.

Roads in cities are mostly free, including ultra-modern 6-level interchanges. If the entrance to the road is paid and there is no free alternative, this situation is resolved at the government level, usually in favor of motorists.

In the north of the country, you can still find very old, broken roads, but the pace and level of construction and reconstruction in the road industry significantly exceed those in Europe and America.

3. Japan

Despite the dense population of this country, the roads pleasantly surprise with their cleanliness, lack of congestion and the level of road surface.

The legendary Japanese reliability and manufacturability manifests itself in the road transport sector, showing the world high-speed autobahns, a well-thought-out system of highways and multi-tiered tracks made of the highest quality materials.

Roads of any purpose are necessarily equipped with drains for storm sewers, clear markings in Japanese and English for motorists and pedestrians, as well as clear pictures with traffic rules for children.

The shoulders must have curbs, protecting pedestrians from leaving vehicles, and the traffic lights installed every 100 meters are adjusted to ensure the continuity of the traffic flow.

A unique feature of Japanese tracks is heating the road surfacewhich prevents ice from forming during the colder months.

Design, construction and acceptance of road works in this country is carried out by analogy with China - in fact, their full implementation, compliance with standards and the provision of a long-term warranty from 15 to 25 years. If repairs are required during the warranty period, they will be carried out at the expense of the contractor.

Even "patching" repairs, which are also no stranger to Japanese roads, are carried out responsibly. So, crumbs of the previous coating are completely blown out of the pits in order to ensure better adhesion with the new material. Then the place of the patch is carefully warmed up for a durable connection of the new coating with the old one.

4. Arab Emirates

The country's public roads have been recognized as the best in the world more than once thanks to unique infrastructure projects. The country operates according to high international quality standards that ensure such a rating.

The Emirates is enmeshed in a large network of magnificent roads, including intercity directions with 3-lane traffic, bumpers and lighting at night along all routes. The high-speed mode is monitored by automatic complexes, whose radars are placed every couple of kilometers.

In cities and suburbs, traffic congestion is relieved by getting rid of intersections in favor of roundabouts. Multilevel junctions, markings, road signs and traffic lights are always kept in perfect condition. And about the repair work, warning signs and plates inform when they are able to be charged from solar panels and glow at night.

The authorities of the country do not spare funds for interchanges, which construct two, three and even four-level ones. They not only separate traffic flows, but also provide greater safety on the roads.

All major intersections are adjoined by branches from the road, which help to bypass traffic lights when turning right, which helps to get rid of traffic congestion.

An interesting feature is the yellow markings along the perimeter of the intersection, which indicates that exit is prohibited if there is a traffic jam at the intersection.

At exits from the main roads, there is practically no narrowing, leading to long traffic jams. In the Emirates, at the confluence of the passing streams, the dividing strips are marked with reliably fixed cones, posts or concrete barriers, minimizing the risk of accidents.

Pedestrian crossings and sidewalks, which have a special paving slabs with a pronounced relief for blind citizens, can be called unique, thus making it easier to navigate.

It is noteworthy that in the Emirates even the roads laid in the desert and covered with a layer of sand are of no less quality than the central highways.

5. South Korea

The ranking of Asian countries with the best highways is closed by South Korea, where 84,000 kilometers of 106,000 kilometers of roads have hard surface.

Highways are divided into national and high-speed, and the latter are toll and prohibit the movement of motor vehicles. Toll roads usually duplicate national routes, but are devoid of intersections and allow high speed limits. These autobahns cross the entire country, allowing you to quickly and comfortably get to any of its corners.

Large cities are prone to fairly large congestion, although they boast good interchanges and excellent quality coverage. An interesting feature is the very bright road markings, inscriptions and signs in Korean and English, as well as color pictures applied to billboards and on the asphalt with traffic rules.

Korean contractors prefer concrete pavement, which is mainly used to cover roads to industrial areas and out of town. Steep descents or ascents are also concreted, in which horizontal recesses are made for better adhesion of the car to the surface and increase safety.

Pits and irregularities can be found only on the most remote city streets or in the suburbs, but there are no really major problems with the road surface even in villages and villages.

The infrastructure of Korea works smoothly and efficiently, quickly leaving for areas requiring repair. They try to carry out work at night and not during peak hours, fencing such an area with fences and cones, as well as with a truly local flavor - dummies depicting road workers. They are powered by car batteries, raising their hands up and down, shining a red rod on motorists.

Another feature is the "decoration" of roadside poles with police flashing lights, which is most often found on suburban roads. If these lights turn red, this serves as a warning to drivers that there is an accident, congestion or repair work ahead on the road.


The World Economic Forum annually analyzes the economies of the countries of the world, including in terms of the quality of roads throughout the country, regardless of the level of congestion and demand. And every year more and more Asian countries are becoming leaders, demonstrating the latest construction technologies, high quality and safety standards in the development of road and transport infrastructure.
