Cameras and OSAGO - when fines start to arrive


According to representatives of the traffic police, the system works at full speed without failures. The combat mode of the system was postponed until the spring of 2020. Before the official launch of the system, it is necessary to decide on the nuances. Firstly, this is how often it will be possible to fine drivers without compulsory motor third party liability insurance. Can it be a fine once a day or a delay of 10 days, or even once a month. As you know, today the fine for driving without insurance is 800 rubles (if we take into account the grace period of 20 days, then the fine is 400 rubles). Thus, if the Ministry of Internal Affairs stops at the option of control and a fine once a day, then driving in a big city without insurance (with a fake policy) can cost a lot. Nevertheless, according to Deputy Minister Alexander Gorovoy, it is already possible to attract those drivers who were previously involved in the absence or fake insurance. Punishment for lack of insurance and repeated violation are two different articles, respectively, and different fines.

In the near future, DVA wants to formulate not only the basic rules, but also give the driver a grace period during which he can take out OSAGO insurance and thereby get rid of the fine. The problem is that in addition to drivers who deliberately drive without insurance or with fake insurance, there are those who have issued MTPL in unscrupulous companies, although in fact they were assured about the purity of insurance. Accordingly, such drivers will be able to prove their case.
